Shattered Kingdoms

Counter strikes ?
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Author:  silmar [ Fri Oct 15, 2004 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Counter strikes ?

> But you aren't in combat!

[HP: 95%] [ME: 17%] [PE: 44%]
You have become better at counterstrike!
An arot'xlotl sucks at your stomach, barely wounding you.

This was the start of a fight (I was sanctuaried) The first line was in response to a dirt kick.
I think something is wrong here. Ive noticed Im not getting any conterstrikes of late could it have something to do with the parrying and such problems ?

Author:  fridgeraider [ Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Do you have any no spam features on, because it is possible for a NPC to dodge a counterstrike.

Author:  silmar [ Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:02 am ]
Post subject: 

I have no nospam options on. Ive taken a few logs of me trying to counter and I got these resoults.

> Alas, you cannot go that way.
You have become better at counterstrike!
A large rat bites at your left hand, causing some minor scratches.

Another time

[HP: 78%] [ME: 52%] [PE:100%]
You learn from your mistakes and improve at counterstrike.
A large rat bites at your stomach, barely wounding you.

[HP: 78%] [ME: 52%] [PE:100%]

Ive tried it againt a lot of rats. Im still yet to get a counterstrike and Ive reached superb at the skill.
This has to be a bug. Unless there is something that isnt said in the help file about counterstrike.

Author:  fridgeraider [ Wed Oct 20, 2004 10:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Your right that its a bug, my barb is getting the same results as well. If you are counterstriking at all, you should be seeing a message.

Author:  Adder [ Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:33 am ]
Post subject: 

In the last 20 hours on my char in the Circle, I've yet to have one of the barb NPCs counterstrike. Maybe this should be double checked?

Author:  Dulrik [ Wed Oct 20, 2004 12:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Found the problem with counterstrike. Fix in next update.

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