Shattered Kingdoms

Auto Follow
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Author:  cluelessnoob4life [ Sat Oct 16, 2004 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Auto Follow

[HP:  74%] [ME: 100%] [PE:  54%] [Wealth: zero]
auto follow
You no longer accept followers.
A large, black horse stops following you.
A wary male half-elf stops following you.

[HP:  74%] [ME: 100%] [PE:  53%] [Wealth: zero]
You walk south.

Main Hallway
  This is a continuation of the wide and elegant main hallway of the temple
complex.  It is characterized by the floor's marble tiles and the patterned
stonework of the walls which taper widely, leading toward the entry hall to
the north. 
Obvious exits: n e w
An old male elf is here, a ponderous expression on his face.
A wary male half-elf is loitering here.
A massive cloaked figure is hunched here, toiling at something.

[HP:  74%] [ME: 100%] [PE:  52%] [Wealth: zero]

A wary male half-elf snarls angrily.
A wary male half-elf exclaims to you 'Begone from here, wretched creatuse!'
A wary male half-elf now follows you.
A wary male half-elf starts to concentrate.

[HP:  74%] [ME: 100%] [PE:  51%] [Wealth: zero]
You walk east.

Main Hallway
  This is a continuation of the wide and elegant main hallway of the temple
complex.  It is characterized by the floor's marble tiles and the patterned
stonework of the walls.  A rather impressive and ornate door has been fixed
into the wall to the south. 
Obvious exits: n(closed) e s(closed) w
(Charmed) A large, black horse looks restless.
A wary male half-elf walks in from the west.

[HP:  74%] [ME: 100%] [PE:  50%] [Wealth: zero]
You walk west.

Main Hallway
  This is a continuation of the wide and elegant main hallway of the temple
complex.  It is characterized by the floor's marble tiles and the patterned
stonework of the walls which taper widely, leading toward the entry hall to
the north. 
Obvious exits: n e w
A massive cloaked figure is hunched here, toiling at something.
A wary male half-elf walks in from the east.

[HP:  74%] [ME: 100%] [PE:  49%] [Wealth: zero]
You walk north.

Entry Hall
  The heavy door to the north lies at one end of this of this stunning
hall.  From it, stone columns line either side of the room, reaching their
impressive height at the lofty ceiling.  The floor is tiled with white
marble, and at the far end of the chamber, the walls turn inward to meet
together in a small arch at the south. 
Obvious exits: n s
A short male gnome is here, looking lost in thought.
A wary male half-elf walks in from the south.

[HP:  74%] [ME: 100%] [PE:  48%] [Wealth: zero]

A wary male half-elf utters the words, 'gszabra ay yauhp'.
A bright spear of light appears in a wary male half-elf's hand!
A wary male half-elf brings forth a blinding spear of light from his hand!
A wary male half-elf tosses his glowing spear, and you reel from its awful bite. 
That really did HURT!

[HP:  44%] [ME: 100%] [PE:  51%] [Wealth: zero]
auto follow
You now accept followers.

As you can see the first time he followed me I turned auto follow off to get him to stop, and then tried to sneak past him again. But he still was able to follow me even though I wasn't accepting followers.

Author:  Adder [ Sat Oct 16, 2004 2:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Only NPCs can do that. It's just an annoying little feature.

To get past those wary guards when they follow you- attack them to start melee (cleave or w/e), and then flee. They won't follow you if you flee after being in combat.

Author:  Dulrik [ Sat Oct 16, 2004 8:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

NPCs aren't using the 'follow' command on you and hence aren't affected. It's no different than if a PC follow you by noting the direction you went.

Author:  Adder [ Sat Oct 16, 2004 8:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dulrik wrote:
NPCs aren't using the 'follow' command on you and hence aren't affected. It's no different than if a PC follow you by noting the direction you went.

With instant reaction time, and they can start casting a spell and keep following you while concentrating on it :P

Author:  Cyra [ Sat Oct 16, 2004 10:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

That following crap seems quirky the way its described.

Author:  cluelessnoob4life [ Sat Oct 16, 2004 11:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dulrik wrote:
NPCs aren't using the 'follow' command on you and hence aren't affected. It's no different than if a PC follow you by noting the direction you went.

I can see him tracking me down, but walking along with me as if he was my charmie.

Upon running into him the first time.

A wary male half-elf snarls angrily.
A wary male half-elf exclaims to you 'Begone from here, wretched creatuse!'
A wary male half-elf now follows you.
A wary male half-elf starts to concentrate.

Which the bolt hit me and I fled, then typed this,

auto follow
You no longer accept followers.
A large, black horse stops following you.
A wary male half-elf stops following you.

I entered again trying to sneak past him but was too slow, I'm still not accepting followers but he can still follow me.

A wary male half-elf snarls angrily.
A wary male half-elf exclaims to you 'Begone from here, wretched creatuse!'
A wary male half-elf now follows you.
A wary male half-elf starts to concentrate.

My complaint is if anything instead of this auto follow crap not working the way it should he should have tracked me instead. This here should be a bug cause he did follow me as if he was grouped with me.

Cyra wrote:
That following crap seems quirky the way its described.

I second that.

Author:  Dulrik [ Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:35 am ]
Post subject: 

My apologies. I read the original post incorrectly. This is indeed an inconsistancy and I will change it for the next update.

Author:  rat fink [ Sun Oct 17, 2004 8:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

If it helps, I've noticed that typing "auto follow" twice while they're concentrating makes them not follow you, then you can just walk away and flip them the bird on the way out.

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