Shattered Kingdoms

Stunned to death.
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Author:  juggernaut [ Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Stunned to death.

An ugly female goblin misses you.
You strike suddenly, crushing an ugly female goblin's chest!  Some GUTS fall!
An ugly female goblin is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.

[HP: 82%] [ME: 35%] [PE:100%]
An ugly female goblin is DEAD!!
You hear an ugly female goblin's death cry.

Can someone tell what exactly the goblin die to?

Author:  fridgeraider [ Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:23 am ]
Post subject: 

He died from the loss of all his HPs.

An ugly female goblin is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.

If you don't kill him his wounds will.

Author:  Corporate Avenger [ Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Effectively it bled to death, hence the mortally wounded part and not seeing stunned, but should recover soon.

Author:  Demon [ Mon Oct 18, 2004 12:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

What you probably left out is that there was a tick right before the goblin died.

Author:  juggernaut [ Mon Oct 18, 2004 12:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's obvious from the code part. It's just that you were the only one to notice that.

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