Shattered Kingdoms

Severing the same limb twice.
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Author:  cluelessnoob4life [ Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Severing the same limb twice.

HP: 69%] [ME: 100%] [PE: 100%] [Wealth: zero]

Yxxinizzigol the quickling punches at your left finger, bruising you slightly.
You parry Yxxinizzigol the quickling's bare fist!
Skillfully, you slash at Yxxinizzigol the quickling's right arm, tearing it off his body!
Yxxinizzigol the quickling punches your forehead, causing a small gash.
You dodge Yxxinizzigol the quickling's attack.
You slash Yxxinizzigol the quickling's mouth, knocking out a few of his teeth!
Overall, Yxxinizzigol the quickling looks pretty hurt.

[HP: 67%] [ME: 100%] [PE: 100%] [Wealth: zero]
Your kick misses Yxxinizzigol the quickling.

[HP: 67%] [ME: 100%] [PE: 100%] [Wealth: zero]

You dodge Yxxinizzigol the quickling's attack.
Yxxinizzigol the quickling punches at your chest, barely wounding you.
You dodge Yxxinizzigol the quickling's attack.
You parry Yxxinizzigol the quickling's bare fist!
Skillfully, you slash at Yxxinizzigol the quickling's right arm, tearing it off his body!
You slash Yxxinizzigol the quickling's chest HARD, cutting through his ribs!
Overall, Yxxinizzigol the quickling is in awful condition.

[HP: 66%] [ME: 100%] [PE: 100%] [Wealth: zero]

I'm not sure if this is normal or worth even posting but I figured I would anyhow, notice I severed it's right arm off two times in a row.

Author:  cecilabadon [ Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yxxinizzgol is a pretty quick guy. He probably grabbed his arm, dashed to a healer, had it reattached, then ran back to fighting you before you could even see it. Then of course due to the healers piss-poor reattachment work, you severed again.

Problem solved :D

Author:  Morovik [ Tue Oct 19, 2004 1:40 am ]
Post subject: 

when you got the first severing message it was after an e-parry so you cut off his hand or finger; but (you are propably aiming mid) after a while you severed the rest of the arm. If you check after the battle you sould see a severed finger-hand of ... AND a severed arm of ...
I could be wrong.

Author:  Viltrax [ Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:27 am ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Im2old4u [ Tue Oct 19, 2004 1:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

I thought Daemons have more than one right hands anyway...

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