Shattered Kingdoms

Boulder in Craeftilin
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Author:  juggernaut [ Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Boulder in Craeftilin

Ok, for some time now, I have noticed that there was no boulder in the entrance of the pyramid in Craeftilin. I bug noted it, and a boulder appeared there some days ago, but no carvings were on it. This makes it impossible for people who don't know the quest already, to enter the university.

Author:  mageZorekin [ Sun Oct 24, 2004 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Boulder in Craeftilin

juggernaut wrote:
Ok, for some time now, I have noticed that there was no boulder in the entrance of the pyramid in Craeftilin. I bug noted it, and a boulder appeared there some days ago, but no carvings were on it. This makes it impossible for people who don't know the quest already, to enter the university.

You have your detection spells up? cause after a reboot/crash the boulder isn't above ground.

Author:  juggernaut [ Sun Oct 24, 2004 6:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Hmmm... Didn't know this one, but even though, last time I checked, the boulder had no carvings on it.

Author:  Zavijah (2005) [ Sun Oct 24, 2004 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Boulder in Craeftilin

juggernaut wrote:
Ok, for some time now, I have noticed that there was no boulder in the entrance of the pyramid in Craeftilin. I bug noted it, and a boulder appeared there some days ago, but no carvings were on it. This makes it impossible for people who don't know the quest already, to enter the university.

Wrong on both counts.


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