Shattered Kingdoms

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Author:  mageZorekin [ Fri Nov 12, 2004 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Etherealform

Normally when one cast the spell etherealform on themself and drops an item the item then fades into the ether.

You utter the words, 'zhpzcandusaryafw'.
You step into the Ethereal Plane, slipping out of the group formation.
You turn ethereal.

[HP: 100%] [ME:  49%] [PE:  99%] [Wealth: zero]
You drop the symbol of the open gauntlet.
The object fades into the ether.

But when I had etherealform up by means of a wand and then released my giant strength which caused me to drop a few items none of them faded into the ether, is this considered a bug? Cause I've no clue how to actually bug log it over the mud without showing this.

[HP: 100%] [ME:  25%] [PE:  63%] [Wealth: zero]
You release yourself from your giant strength.
You drop key to room 3.
You drop a guard-issue guisarme.
You drop a pair of guard-issue knee plates.
You drop something.
You feel weaker.

[HP: 100%] [ME:  21%] [PE:  63%] [Wealth: zero]

A Hallway in Sith'a'Niel
  This is the hallway leading to the various rooms this hotel has to
offer.  The first thing you notice is that there are actually doors on these
rooms.  This is very contrary to the rest of the elven city.  To the west
north and south are expensive suites and to the east are more affordable
rooms.  The hall is brightly lit by candlelight on the walls.  Nicely
crafted tapestries add color and style. 
  Obvious exits: n e(closed) s w(closed)
     A pair of shiny knee plates catches your eye.
     A polearm lies here, bearing the seal of Taslamar.
     A key lays here.

[HP: 100%] [ME:  21%] [PE:  63%] [Wealth: zero]

 o [Affects] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        o
 o Affect: 'etherealform'                                                    o
 o Affect: 'armor'                                                           o
 o Affect: 'bless' affecting willpower                                       o
 o Affect: 'bless' affecting probability to hit                              o

Author:  BAI7l7 [ Fri Nov 12, 2004 10:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Plain and Simple

Its like that, probably because the IMMs dont want ethereal stuff laying around? Also if the stuff were to go back to material form, it makes no sense that dropping something in etherealform will go back to real form.

Author:  YorikP.Pazu [ Fri Nov 12, 2004 11:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

But hes saying that the etherial wand allowed him to drop stuff without it going poof into obvlivion like it does when you cast the spell. Thats definatly an odd one.

Can you drop things or is it only when your str runs out and you have to drop things?

Author:  Guest [ Fri Nov 12, 2004 11:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

The problem seems to be that when the effects of giant strength wore off, his weight ran over his capacity to hold - when this happens you automatically drop objects, and it seems that the auto-drop doesn't check for etherealform, which would evaporate said items.

This is a bug.

Author:  Adder [ Sat Nov 13, 2004 12:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

this is definetly a bug :devil:

Author:  Demon [ Sun Nov 14, 2004 10:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Dulrik's on this like Adder on a bug. (lol)

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