B00ts wrote:
Tr33hugg3r wrote:
I would use a linux client if I knew how to work linux on any level at all. I have tried and I think it is just not the right time for me, or I just lack that part of my brain to use linux. I was born and raised a Windows person unfortunately.
Find your shell client on linux and type in telnet mud.vividnet.com 1996. Which linux do you have? I also have to open a second shell so I can continuously ping shatteredkingdoms.org to get rid of lag.
Actually, I personally don't run Linux. However, my father is a PURELY Linux based person. He uses Ubuntu (I have no idea what version, though). I like the idea of Xwindows (or whatever it's called), but having to deal with tar balls and shells and all that kind of stuff.....it becomes very confusing and frustrating. Keep in mind that I started back in the day on Windows 3.1 (Not even 3.11 yet, at the time), then went to 3.11, then to 98 I believe (unless there was a Windows between those. If so, I probably used it.), then 98SE, which was my true love for a long time. I knew that operating system like the back of my hand. Ever since then, I dabbled a tiny bit in each one. 2000 was not very good, ME can go to hell, XP made me frustrated and Vista (SO far) has yet to really anger me. We'll see about Windows 7 when I get there. Not quite ready yet, though.
All I know is .exe files and .zip files and purely Windows interfaces. I imagine that if I really tried to sit down and LEARN Linux's language, I could. I just don't know if it is that worth it to me. I recognize the wonderful benefits of Linux. I was very proud to hear the day that Apple incorporated a Linux shell into OSX. That's badass!
I actually sat down one day on my father's computer, back when I didn't have my laptop, and tried to find, install and properly use a Linux based mud client. I became so frustrated and exasperated that I finally gave up. When my father finally helped me and got one working, it just wasn't the same. I have become far too use to my Windows based Gmud client over th past several years.