Shattered Kingdoms

Legal Shattered Kingdoms Zmud Scripts
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Author:  Rennus_Dragonsbane [ Tue Sep 10, 2002 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Legal Shattered Kingdoms Zmud Scripts

This forum is a place to post some simple scripts that you have made or aquired that do not break the rules of botting on SK. Any script posted that include variables, buttons, macros, alias, classes or other zmud features please include them also. Please have a statement above the script as to what it accomplishes.

-- -- -- A quick tutorial on how to extract scripts -- -- --
press CTRL+A to bring up the "Settings in memory for ..." window with "Alias" selected on the tool bar

Next to the Alias button there is a button labeled "ALL" click this and all the buttons to the right (alias, trigger, variable, macro...) will become depressed.

Now using CTRL+click each of the scripts you wish to export

Select under the file menu "Export Text..." and input a filename you like and a path.

Following this open the text file in notepad or textfile editor, and copy EVERYTHING you have just exported and paste in here in [code] [/code] brackets.

-- -- -- End tutorial -- -- --

Author:  Rennus_Dragonsbane [ Tue Sep 10, 2002 8:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

This simple alias uses "l" for "look" when no pramiters are specified, but a target (person, object or direction) it examines it. If the first paramiter is "in" as "look in sack" it will examine the sack, showing the contents as well all available information about the object.

#ALIAS l {#if (%1=%null) {look} {#if (%1="in") {examine %2} {examine %1}}}

Author:  BlackDragon [ Wed Sep 11, 2002 10:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Grabs your rough exp and displays it a a bargraph guage.

#TRIGGER {You {are|have|still|may} &expstr1.} {#if (@expstr1=="just begun your journey to the next level.") {#var exp 0};#if (@expstr1=="have a long way to go before the next level.") {#var exp 10};#if (@expstr1=="over one-third of the way to the next level.") {#var exp 33};#if (@expstr1=="very close to half-way to the next level.") {#var exp 44};#if (@expstr1=="at the half-way of your journey to the next level.") {#var exp 50};#if (@expstr1=="just begun your second-half journey to the next level.") {#var exp 59};#if (@expstr1=="over two-thirds of the way to the next level.") {#var exp 66};#if (@expstr1=="over three-fourths of the way to the next level.") {#var exp 75};#if (@expstr1=="almost eligible for a level advancement.") {#var exp 90};#if (@expstr1=="advance to the next level.") {#var exp 100;#wait (500);#echo You may now train a level}}

I have the 'response' gagged so I put the echo in at the end just to remind me.

#BUTTON 34 {approx EXP @status} {worth} {} {} {@exp} {} {} {Size} {160} {11} {Pos} {8} {465} {32} {} {Gauge||10|100|90|8} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {You @EXPSTR1} {}

Other little bits to make above work.

#VAR exp {0}

#VAR status {0}

#TRIGGER {Status: (%w)} {#var status %1}

Author:  thebloodsiren [ Thu Sep 12, 2002 9:50 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Rennus_Dragonsbane [ Fri Sep 13, 2002 7:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Two things, TBS...

1) I opened this post for Zmud Scripts, not other mud/mush clients, but I will not dwell on this...

2) I asked that code be included in [code] [/code] brackets, so you will not lose your leading / trailing spaces, or other white spaces. If you would please add these codes in the future, it will be much easier to use.

Also, in the future please include summaries of what the code accomplishes.

Author:  thebloodsiren [ Wed Sep 18, 2002 7:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dont worry, I suck at writing notes on this forum. I only just worked out how to quote someone. So Sorry. :oops:

Author:  Myfanwy [ Wed Oct 09, 2002 12:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Group Control

The following creates 12 small buttons on the right toolbar, obviously change the button sizes, positions and ID numbers to suit your own zMUD environment. I've found them very useful more than once.

When you are ina group and ask for group information using 'info', the buttons are populated on triggers by names of those in your group in the right positions and an indication of their healths are also shown by button colour:

100% is black
80% to 100% is brown
50% to 80% is magenta
less than 50% is red

In addition, clicking a button with a name on it, changes the text on the button to '???', then click another button on the group buttons and the characters will move to that position (obviously if you are leader and the position is valid).

The other thee little buttons, on top of the grid of nine, are, from left to right: a button to create and disband your group, a button to leave someone elses group and a button to quick output 'info'.

#CLASS {btnsGroups} {disable}
#BUTTON 79 {} {group My Group;info} {} {disband;#VAR varPos11 {};#VAR varPos12 {};#VAR varPos13 {};#VAR varPos21 {};#VAR varPos22 {};#VAR varPos23 {};#VAR varPos31 {};#VAR varPos32 {};#VAR varPos33 {}} {} {1} {GROUP} {Size} {24} {24} {Pos} {446} {7} {} {} {} {} "" {} {Create or disband your group} {} {2}
#BUTTON 80 {} {leave} {} {leave} {} {} {PERSON} {Size} {24} {24} {Pos} {446} {30} {} {} {} {} "" {} {Leave the group} {} {2}
#BUTTON 81 {} {#VAR varHP11 100;#VAR varHP12 100;#VAR varHP13 100;info} {} {leave} {} {} {ZOOMIN} {Size} {24} {24} {Pos} {446} {85} {} {} {} {} "" {} {Leave the group} {} {2}
#BUTTON 82 {@varPos11} {#if {@varPosFrom = ""} {@varPosFrom = @varPos11;@varPos11 = "???"} {posit '@varPosFrom' 11;@varPosFrom = "";info}} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {50} {24} {Pos} {473} {0} {15} {} {} {} "" {} {} {p11} {2}
#BUTTON 83 {@varPos12} {#if {@varPosFrom = ""} {@varPosFrom = @varPos12;@varPos12 = "???"} {posit '@varPosFrom' 12;@varPosFrom = "";info}} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {50} {24} {Pos} {473} {49} {15} {} {} {} "" {} {} {p12} {2}
#BUTTON 84 {@varPos13} {#if {@varPosFrom = ""} {@varPosFrom = @varPos13;@varPos13 = "???"} {posit '@varPosFrom' 13;@varPosFrom = "";info}} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {50} {24} {Pos} {473} {98} {15} {} {} {} "" {} {} {p13} {2}
#BUTTON 85 {@varPos21} {#if {@varPosFrom = ""} {@varPosFrom = @varPos21;@varPos21 = "???"} {posit @varPosFrom 21;@varPosFrom = "";info}} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {50} {24} {Pos} {496} {0} {15} {} {} {} "" {} {} {p21} {2}
#BUTTON 86 {@varPos22} {#if {@varPosFrom = ""} {@varPosFrom = @varPos22;@varPos22 = "???"} {posit @varPosFrom 22;@varPosFrom = "";info}} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {50} {24} {Pos} {496} {49} {15} {} {} {} "" {} {} {p22} {2}
#BUTTON 87 {@varPos23} {#if {@varPosFrom = ""} {@varPosFrom = @varPos23;@varPos23 = "???"} {posit @varPosFrom 23;@varPosFrom = "";info}} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {50} {24} {Pos} {496} {98} {15} {} {} {} "" {} {} {p23} {2}
#BUTTON 88 {@varPos31} {#if {@varPosFrom = ""} {@varPosFrom = @varPos31;@varPos31 = "???"} {posit @varPosFrom 31;@varPosFrom = "";info}} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {50} {24} {Pos} {519} {0} {111} {} {} {} "" {} {} {p31} {2}
#BUTTON 89 {@varPos32} {#if {@varPosFrom = ""} {@varPosFrom = @varPos32;@varPos32 = "???"} {posit @varPosFrom 32;@varPosFrom = "";info}} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {50} {24} {Pos} {519} {49} {15} {} {} {} "" {} {} {p32} {2}
#BUTTON 90 {@varPos33} {#if {@varPosFrom = ""} {@varPosFrom = @varPos33;@varPos33 = "???"} {posit @varPosFrom 33;@varPosFrom = "";info}} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {50} {24} {Pos} {519} {98} {15} {} {} {} "" {} {} {p33} {2}

#CLASS {btnsGroups|varPositions}
#VAR varPos11 {} {}
#VAR varPos12 {} {}
#VAR varPos13 {} {}
#VAR varPos21 {} {}
#VAR varPos22 {} {}
#VAR varPos23 {} {}
#VAR varPos31 {} {}
#VAR varPos32 {} {}
#VAR varPos33 {} {}
#VAR varPosFrom {} {}
#VAR varHP11 {100} {100}
#VAR varHP12 {100} {100}
#VAR varHP13 {100} {100}
#VAR varHP21 {100} {100}
#VAR varHP22 {100} {100}
#VAR varHP23 {100} {100}
#VAR varHP31 {100} {100}
#VAR varHP32 {100} {100}
#VAR varHP33 {100} {100}
#TRIGGER {~(11:F1~) %s~[&varPos11~]%s~(12:F2~)%s~[&varPos12]%s~(13:F3~)%s~[&varPos13~]} {#VAR varPos11 %trim( %if( %numWords( @varPos11)> 1 , %word( @varPos11, %numWords( @varPos11)), @varPos11));#VAR varPos12 %trim( %if( %numWords( @varPos12)> 1 , %word( @varPos12, %numWords( @varPos12)), @varPos12));#VAR varPos13 %trim( %if( %numWords( @varPos13)> 1 , %word( @varPos13, %numWords( @varPos13)), @varPos13))}
#TRIGGER {~(21:M1~) %s~[&varPos21~]%s~(22:M2~)%s~[&varPos22~]%s~(23:M3~)%s~[&varPos23~]} {#VAR varPos21 %trim( %if( %numWords( @varPos21)> 1 , %word( @varPos21, %numWords( @varPos21)), @varPos21));#VAR varPos22 %trim( %if( %numWords( @varPos22)> 1 , %word( @varPos22, %numWords( @varPos22)), @varPos22));#VAR varPos23 %trim( %if( %numWords( @varPos23)> 1 , %word( @varPos23, %numWords( @varPos23)), @varPos23))}
#TRIGGER {~(31:B1~) %s~[&varPos31~]%s~(32:B2~)%s~[&varPos32]%s~(33:B3~)%s~[&varPos33~]} {#VAR varPos31 %trim( %if( %numWords( @varPos31)> 1 , %word( @varPos31, %numWords( @varPos31)), @varPos31));#VAR varPos32 %trim( %if( %numWords( @varPos32)> 1 , %word( @varPos32, %numWords( @varPos32)), @varPos32));#VAR varPos33 %trim( %if( %numWords( @varPos33)> 1 , %word( @varPos33, %numWords( @varPos33)), @varPos33))}
#TRIGGER {@varPos11*%s%w%s&varHP11~%} {#NOOP %btncol( "p11", black, white);#IF (%number( @varHP11) < 100) {#NOOP %btncol( "p11", brown, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP11) < 80) {#NOOP %btncol( "p11", magenta, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP11) < 50) {#NOOP %btncol( "p11", red, white)}}
#TRIGGER {@varPos12*%s%w%s&varHP12~%} {#NOOP %btncol( "p12", black, white);#IF (%number( @varHP12) < 100) {#NOOP %btncol( "p12", brown, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP12) < 80) {#NOOP %btncol( "p12", magenta, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP12) < 50) {#NOOP %btncol( "p12", red, white)}}
#TRIGGER {@varPos13*%s%w%s&varHP13~%} {#NOOP %btncol( "p13", black, white);#IF (%number( @varHP13) < 100) {#NOOP %btncol( "p13", brown, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP13) < 80) {#NOOP %btncol( "p13", magenta, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP13) < 50) {#NOOP %btncol( "p13", red, white)}}
#TRIGGER {@varPos21*%s%w%s&varHP21~%} {#NOOP %btncol( "p21", black, white);#IF (%number( @varHP21) < 100) {#NOOP %btncol( "p21", brown, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP21) < 80) {#NOOP %btncol( "p21", magenta, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP21) < 50) {#NOOP %btncol( "p21", red, white)}}
#TRIGGER {@varPos22*%s%w%s&varHP22~%} {#NOOP %btncol( "p22", black, white);#IF (%number( @varHP22) < 100) {#NOOP %btncol( "p22", brown, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP22) < 80) {#NOOP %btncol( "p22", magenta, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP22) < 50) {#NOOP %btncol( "p22", red, white)}}
#TRIGGER {@varPos23*%s%w%s&varHP23~%} {#NOOP %btncol( "p23", black, white);#IF (%number( @varHP23) < 100) {#NOOP %btncol( "p23", brown, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP23) < 80) {#NOOP %btncol( "p23", magenta, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP23) < 50) {#NOOP %btncol( "p23", red, white)}}
#TRIGGER {@varPos31*%s%w%s&varHP31~%} {#NOOP %btncol( "p31", black, white);#IF (%number( @varHP31) < 100) {#NOOP %btncol( "p31", brown, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP31) < 80) {#NOOP %btncol( "p31", magenta, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP31) < 50) {#NOOP %btncol( "p31", red, white)}}
#TRIGGER {@varPos32*%s%w%s&varHP32~%} {#NOOP %btncol( "p32", black, white);#IF (%number( @varHP32) < 100) {#NOOP %btncol( "p32", brown, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP32) < 80) {#NOOP %btncol( "p32", magenta, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP32) < 50) {#NOOP %btncol( "p32", red, white)}}
#TRIGGER {@varPos33*%s%w%s&varHP33~%} {#NOOP %btncol( "p33", black, white);#IF (%number( @varHP33) < 100) {#NOOP %btncol( "p33", brown, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP33) < 80) {#NOOP %btncol( "p33", magenta, white)};#IF (%number( @varHP33) < 50) {#NOOP %btncol( "p33", red, white)}}

Author:  Rennus_Dragonsbane [ Wed Oct 09, 2002 1:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Alright... I was thinking of making something like that... but I think what you just posted blows anything I could have made out of the water...

Author:  Myfanwy [ Wed Oct 09, 2002 2:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

I take it you tried it and it worked?

Author:  Rennus_Dragonsbane [ Wed Oct 09, 2002 4:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, I am going to have sit down for a few hours and tweek it so that it works with my current button layout, and will probally add a few buttons for setting positions, but yeah, it generally worked... need to tweek still though.

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