Shattered Kingdoms

Which client do you use? Why?
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Author:  Sakhul [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Which client do you use? Why?

Let's christen the new forum section.

Everyone post their clients and why they use them.

I use zmud because it was the first client I was introduced to after using telnet and I know it fairly well, I'm used to it and I see absolutely no reason to change to another that has a different font (which annoys me).

Author:  WickedWitch [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

I used Gmud for like 5 years.

It is horrible. Horrible. Horrible.

Min FINALLY got me to switch to MUSHclient, I was reluctant at first, because aliases/etc were annoying with the mm * *=c 'magic missile' %1 %2 as opposed to Gmud you just put "mm=c 'magic missile'" and it input whatever you input after mm.

Author:  ladyjennbo [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

I went from SimpleMU to Mushclient. SimpleMU didn't work when I got Vista, so I switched to Mushclient.

I chose them because they were free. SK is literally the only game I play online. Except like.. Farmville. :oops: Either way, I don't pay for online games - seems like a waste of money.

I am happy with Mushclient because it saves your responses, but I have problems logging with it. After a certain amount of time passes, all the previous text disappears, so you either have to log everything, which I hate doing, or magically pick and choose the right thing to log when it occurs. You have about five minutes before the previous input disappears.

Author:  ladyjennbo [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

WickedWitch wrote:
I used Gmud for like 5 years.

It is horrible. Horrible. Horrible.

Min FINALLY got me to switch to MUSHclient, I was reluctant at first, because aliases/etc were annoying with the mm * *=c 'magic missile' %1 %2 as opposed to Gmud you just put "mm=c 'magic missile'" and it input whatever you input after mm.

Weird, on my mushclient I just type alias mm c 'magic missile' &* per the SK rules

Author:  WickedWitch [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh, one problem with MUSHclient. (Not really a problem with IT, a problem with ME.)

I have no idea how to log. I just copy and paste things I want logged from the buffer.

Author:  Rodwen [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

ladyjennbo wrote:
WickedWitch wrote:
I used Gmud for like 5 years.

It is horrible. Horrible. Horrible.

Min FINALLY got me to switch to MUSHclient, I was reluctant at first, because aliases/etc were annoying with the mm * *=c 'magic missile' %1 %2 as opposed to Gmud you just put "mm=c 'magic missile'" and it input whatever you input after mm.

Weird, on my mushclient I just type alias mm c 'magic missile' &* per the SK rules

I think she means client aliases, which you can have an unlimited amount of, and they work for every character without having to make them again.

Author:  WickedWitch [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:35 pm ]
Post subject: 


Also, I never really said.

MUSHclient is awesome. Bow before the MUSHclient.

Author:  grep [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

tin-tin++ is compliant with xterm and contains itself nicely inside a screen.

I use tin-tin++ because of this, because it has an easily installed binary package for my operating system, and because it does not require many resources at all; I can tunnel to my home computer on my iphone and launch the client.

MUSHClient, from my experience with making my info addon, would be my choice if I ran Windows.

Why? Because having SQL and LUA support when you play a MUD is just plain awesome.


Author:  Viltrax [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ya'll might want to add what operating system you're using, too. Handy to know. For me:

OS: Various Windows flavors (XP, Vista, Win7)

- zMUD 7.21 (free upgrades forever, etc)
- bundled windows telnet (rarely)

Author:  grep [ Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Interestingly, when I was examining MUSHClient, I noticed it sent its own unique terminal identification type.

I'm wondering if y'all have the ability to collect this low-level data to analyze client choices?

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