>help magical vestment
Magical vestment is a surprisingly effective defensive enchantment that
can benefit anyone who is wearing clothing or light armors that are able
to be repaired at the tailor shop. The spell will magically toughen
those pieces of equipment, increasing their protective value proportionate
to the power of the caster, for the duration of the spell. Even initiates
find this spell useful though, as it prevents harm from combat damage to
the affected pieces of equipment regardless of caster level.
And so, I cast it before I began my brewing, thinking, "hey, this will be a big help in preserving my things."
Insert code here about me blowing up a potion which etches my cloth object with a stream of acid
Yeah, I don't have my logs on my work computer. But you get the point.
So, the question is this:
What "harm" does magical vestment prevent to pieces of appropriate equipment, and what does it not?
Or is this just a bug that nobody cares about?