allikat wrote:
Arrows on the ground don't count, only those in your quiver and inventory can be loaded.
While this is true, that doesn't explain why she couldn't find ammo to begin with.
My theory is that you were using a different type of ammunition (even a slight difference like barbed vs. battle arrow is enough) and in the course of skirmishing ran out of those arrows. It then looked for more of those arrows for one round, then switched ammunition types when you told it you wanted to skirmish again.
edit: To better explain-
Quiver contains:
(3) a diamond battle arrow
(97) a diamond barbed arrow
You load your bow with a diamond battle arrow.
>skirmish spider
You spot your target to the north!
You shoot a diamond battle arrow north at a spider.
You shoot a diamond battle arrow north at a spider.
You shoot a diamond battle arrow north at a spider.
You can't find any ammunition!
it looks for battle arrows here and finds none
>skirmish spider
You load your bow with a diamond barbed arrow.
You spot your target to the north!
You shoot a diamond barbed arrow north at a spider.
You shoot a diamond barbed arrow north at a spider.
You shoot a diamond barbed arrow north at a spider.