While I understand not everyone wants to see alignment changes, let's not create difficulties where they don't exist. Keep in mind that even its advocates want it strictly limited. It's the combination of enforced alignment AND limited possbilities to change that would give SK another unique feature.
soultoast wrote:
...IMMs have more important things to do than field constant alignment change requests....
There's no reason an immortal should have to be bothered with this. If alignment changes happen ONLY when one is brought into a religion, it can be made part of a high priest's/high follower's investment command. I doubt the need to police investment would even change noticeably.
If you serve a god, your soul belongs to THEM.
An excellent reason to make alignment change impossible once you've already been invested. I wouldn't want to see such a thing either. Yet this same argument argues that gods should be able to change the alignment of those they accept. Why not let this be done through the investment process?
We have races that restricted towards certain auras. No neutral Elves, Delves, or Griffons.
Of course. They can either be excluded from the alignment change system altogether, or they can be limited to their race-appropriate auras. Likewise, paladins, hellions, and necromancers should obviously be stuck with their alignment.
How many dark-aura characters wouldn't love to be light-aura'd for a time, if only for the ease of levelling?
This is only a problem of a change-as-you-will alignment system. Tying alignment change to investment would only let you change once. Nor is it clear we want full dark-to-light changes at all; perhaps aberrant to unprincipled would be the maximum change.
In short, I think we all agree that alignment becomes meaningless if it's changeable at will. But strictly limited alignment changes are a different matter. They'll provide options to boost roleplay, rather than destroy it.