Pushing40 wrote:
Regarding a single n00b zone, delineated or not, I have to disagree. The RP that would have to be built to support it would require too many suspensions of IC reality. It would be outrageously dangerous for anyone to send their totally unskilled child to such a place to start learning and aside from orphans and children of uncaring parents, I don't see any who would actually go there. And unless newbs will be speaking godspeak or in tongues, there's still the language barrier keeping them separated from each other.
I also don't think it's wholly necessary to re-integrate all the newbie schools into the capitol cities. Ayamao and Menegroth's newbie schools are close enough for quality interaction. Having checked out all the newbie schools recently, I would have to say Taslamar's needs moved much closer to population and Northern Waste needs a cash infusion or rebuild, including cash infusion. I wouldn't have a problem sticking Zhenshi and Uxmal's newbie schools a couple leagues outside the cities either.
They dont have to necessarily speak god. That would be where they start, from creation. It would be their recall until they set and adjective and pass level 5. There have been several suggestions amongst the Imortals about wanting to do something with creation. I don't know how much leeway I have to speak, but I really like the one idea of being able to go back to the start of creation any time before you actually enter the game. Another possibility for creation I won't mention here, but a unified newbie school would be an easy way of making it work. It also allows for anyone to be a mentor to any character, if they are there. This way you would get a higher chance of getting one of your classes mentors, instead of one that can't teach you much. Maybe it should check for alignment, etc. But I like the idea of one newbie school. It would be a grand way of being able to give all newbies attention in one space.
Of course yes, you will run into other people more, but that is good! I don't think we have that many newbies that create at once that a aura divided leveling zone couldnt work. I have seen at most 10 characters below level 5 on at once. That wouldn't be too bad, if an equivalent space of 6 newbie zones were available. I support the idea and would be willing to help see it put in.