josephusmaximus3 wrote:
And some places having detect invis/hidden and others not is part of the balancing. Doubt it will be changed.
Actually, all six types of bounty NPC do detect hidden and invis. Each kingdom has guards that do, and guards that don't. I do believe a few guards should be affected with detects aren't, but...
[Game help] bug idea typo
Syntax: bug <message>
idea <message>
typo <message>
These commands will take your message and location and record it into a file
as feedback to the immortals. These logs are currently checked on a weekly
basis, and changes are often made based on YOUR ideas. Feedback about the
suggestions made in these logs can be found on the news board, although not
every suggestion will generate feedback.
Errors that relate to skills, spells, game mechanics, player-files or
messages during combat should be reported using the BUG command. Spelling,
grammar, socials or script-related issues should be reported using the TYPO
command. Ideas or suggestions of any kind are put forward using the IDEA
Since these commands do log your location, it is recommended that you log
most things (especially bugs and typos) in the room in which you find the
problem and report the incorrect text as you see it - perhaps along with a
suggestion of suitably correct text. This approach makes things much easier
to find and fix.
For any further questions, please e-mail Algorab.
See also: note wizlist forums
If you think it should be changed, the only way it will be changed is by giving decent feedback. What is wrote above most certainly doesn't help. What does help is when people make Idea/Bug/Typo reports that are useful and make sense. If we don't know about the problem, how can we fix it if it isn't brought to our attention? These in-game commands are so much better at helping us track down and solve these issues. They help us to delegate to the proper KD, and let us know which area, and what problem is going on. If there was a bug log made in any of my areas, I addressed it. None has been a statement of a huge balancing issue or guards that need these affects. So, either help us identify and solve the problem or quit yer QQing.