I must say with the few changes happening in Zhenshi at the moment, I've thoroughly enjoyed my interactions with the IMM's whether it was as IMM's or some of the NPC's arond town gathering information for the changes IC. The RP for these things has been great.
Achernar, great job with portraying the various characters I've been discussing these changes with.
There a couple of interactions with Zavijah that were fun. First was after an especailly disappointing evening of being PK'd and not having had any RP involved from my attacker. I stayed dead for several ooc hours, contemplating whether to just delete or not, Tonth pops on and sends me a Tell asking if I required life. I get it and while wandering around looking for new equipment, Zavijah appears, hugs me and disappears. Then sends me a Tell saying, you look liked you could use a hug. I did in fact lose it and busted out laughing. *grumbles* Way to ruin a nice foul mood. LoL
Another time with Zavijah, in in my Leet Noobness, check my outlaw list and see he's on it. Well not sure whether I should do anything or not, I sent him a Tell asking if I should give him a pardon. Definately not smart on my part. He then appears before me and booms at me about if I really think my mortal laws apply to him. *gulp* Oops I was lucky he didn't fry me right there on the spot. But it still was a kewl interaction, one I definately learned from. Hehehe
There was also another time in the Inn where an IMM shows up to force a duel between a giant in the Harlies and the giant in the Hammer that was a bit nerve wracking. Hehehe I just knew I was going to be smited on the spot, just because the Talons and Harlies have a fairly rough relationship. And he's their KD I believe.
So if you get the chance to do some RP with an IMM, whether in their IMM guise or a simple NPC, enjoy it, it can make for a kewl moment of RP or PK if you happen to [REDACTED] them off. Hehehe