Alshain wrote:
Personally, I prefer newbies to 'discover' the available skillsets as time progresses. Not only their own, but also their opponents' skills and spells. Adds to the mystique and IC roleplay of learning all the details of the game.
With all due respect, I disagree. I came into SK with one character and have kept to it. I read the help files on line, decided what I wanted to play and plugged right in.
Now, I have found tremendous RP and I would not change my character concept one bit. However, I would certainly have appreciated knowing a bit more of what skills/spells were avaiable to different classes so I could shape the character better.
More importantly, I would have appreciated knowing how different classes affect my class. I am not a good PKer, and I probably will never be a good one, but surely it would be IC to know how the 'greats' thrived in the SK universe - in terms of class/cabal/tribunal skills.
Isn't that what bards in part do? Retell epic sagas of how the great ones are able to serve their beliefs or gods?