Minette wrote:
There are also a lot of fountain RPers and certain group of players (such as the predictable Talons who are 24/7 in Nerina)
Funny, seems to me most of them have been in the ToM and Outer Wastes. Only a couple of us that don't need the XP stick around Nerina, I know I'm rarely in Nerina, although usually someplace close, unless I'm aiding a young one. I also know that those of us that don't need the XP also do help in getting them there, so I love how so many on this mud think they know what they're talking about and obviously haven't a real clue at all. If they're in Nerina, then they are waiting for others to arrive to help them get someplace or enough to go explore someplace.
As for summoning, I'd rather have someone open a gate to me and bring a party out than be able to summon me to them, unless I'm willing to go by previous arrangement. I still get the random summons attempts, but my gear is enchanted pretty well, thankfully. I think if you wish to keep summons as it is, then have one possible outcome is the entire group stays with the one being summoned. Maybe a 20% chance of that happening, this way people will really have to think twice before necessarily trying to summon someone from thier group.