Lucius wrote:
Sorcs, due to the 14 trains in Art are superior summoners to other classes.
Necros have 14 art and priests have 12. Those are the ONLY two other classes that can summon.
That makes them kinda like summon specialists that you cannot find anywhere else in the game. This fact stands alone as one of their greatest strengths (like it or not)
Read above. It makes this statement completely wrong.
Your rush to judgement in assuming that I am saying, "...priests, necros, or sorcs are bad or even MEDIOCRE pkers without the summon spell...", is demonstrably out of touch with my statement, as we are talkin about SUMMON itself, not Sorc PK ability.
The point of the update was to wimp summon. Nobody is going to disagree that it is a weaker spell now.
I remember playing giant Barbarian characters and fearing the presence of certain Sorcs online, which was actually very exciting. That is all gone now. If my Barbarian was summoned now, I would probably have a good chance to run the mage down (either Immediately or later) and cut him to pieces. A mage that has little to no physical chance against me.
Which is why the mage wouldn't summon you in a solo contest unless it was to an area where you're outlawed. D was trying to stop summon kills, it's a bit late to try and advocate for the other side of the argument when the vast majority of players wanted the spell wimped. Besides, the "fear of summon kills" normally equated to hiding in no summon areas, which took players away from interaction with other players, which is what drives the MUD.
So, o wise one, where exactly did I go wrong?