New Features:
- New Material: cold iron (same rarity as tanso steel)
- Weapons with special attack types do 50/50 damage
- Hellions get parry skill
- Haggling maximum discount decreased
- Taunt Tweaks
* Taunt success affected by various new parameters
* Taunt with no argument targets your melee partner
* Taunt prevents escape similarly to Bolt of Glory
* Taunt prevents teleportation
* Escape only prevented if taunter in same room
* Message displayed when taunt wears off
* Deafened characters can't be taunted
- Summon Tweaks
* Toggling auto summon not necessary against NPCs
* Lack of visibility doesn't stop summon/gate from locking on
* If auto summon is toggled off, you get no saving throw
- Damage reduction from spells now takes place after armor reduction
- Resist elements and ironguard now reduce damage based on spell level
- Vulnerability to an attack type doesn't add as much damage as before
Bug Fixes:
- Formations updated when following someone of a different group
- Cannot depetrify living unique NPCs
- Immortal initiated crash bug fixed