Someone wrote:
Sorry that I think you should take being invested seriously, instead of making character after character and having them invested at amateur only to delete.
I don't think that's what anyone is saying here at all. People get bored of characters, sometimes days within getting into a cabal or tribunal as well. It doesn't take much effort anymore to get into a religion, given the whole right thing that was pointed out.
That one in five number to me is about the number I've seen across the board of a) characters that last months instead of weeks, b) players invested in religions that become established, c) players inducted into tribs/cabals that become long-term/established.
I would rather a character RP at amateur, then be a blobless entitity that deletes. Veterens have said for years when you make a character to have a concept. It's good these noobie players have done such, even if they don't make it so long. You sort of have to take this thing in stride. Like others said, consider some events/things for your newly invested folk to be doing to keep them interested.
Best wishes.