Cyra wrote:
As far as elitism, if you want to look at it that way, you're never going to see third-world countries with the best weapons and cutting-edge technology. So too with top tier equipment, it's designed with better players and characters in mind.
If you want to look at it that way, there's this college in the bay area that always recruits the best of the best of European waterpolo players. They always win every year and absolutely destroy our team.
Cyra wrote:
Futhermore, if you just have something handed to you on a silver platter, it'd really inhibit you, since you don't have to be assed to work for it. It dulls the sense of tactics, makes you weaker, since it doesn't bother you to die and re-equip. There's no risk for losing, so why bother trying to win? There's no point in trying since you're rewarded whether you win or lose.
You're in the club with the people who have the best equipment, and life is good. Just like when a mysterious benefactor gives you a million dollars every time you go broke.
For people who know the game as well as you do, there isn't really a risk of losing. You will always have people like Melithindlee, Golg, and Arsilan being able to find the best of lewt for every single one of their characters, while there are people like Nadil who don't know a [REDACTED] about the game compared to you.