Radamanthys wrote:
Gilgon: There are many "greater goods". Those are subjective. I use the term "Good" to refer to the Ultimate Codex of Lightie Behavior. So yes, Jack follows what he believes to be the greater good. The safety of his beloved nation and those within in (and if he must sacrifice one of his own, no biggie).
If you find a way to define the "Ultimate Codex of Lightie Behavior" and get everyone (or even a significant majority) to agree, I'd be totally in favor of rewriting the lightie help files around that.
Frankly, I like the fact that the difference between lightie and darkie behavior in terms of morality is totally subjective. They're both fighting for causes (sometimes the cause is their own will) and who can really judge what cause is more "right" than another? What's the difference between a MC who fights for Imperial domination because he believes that the Council can rule more effectively than anyone else (and takes "some" taxes, luxuries, slaves and power in return) and a Hammer who crusades for total freedom and justice (which is of course HIS/HER idea of freedom and justice)?
Very little. The only real difference is that the lightie believes in a cause greater than themselves and that a darkie
might believe in a cause, but DEFINITELY believes in themselves. It all comes down to a question of selfishness, which is the way I like it. That's why I dislike people associating "lightie" with true "goodness", because it's really not. I believe that is a misconception fostered by preconceived notions and not directly because of the help file at all.
If you think about it, the concepts behind a cabal like the Hammer is pretty psychotic. "Fight for the Hammer's cause until death." Trouble is, the Hammer's "cause" is based on totally subjective terms ("light", "goodness", "purity", etc.). Whoever founded that organization basically gave a giant army blanket permission to kill pretty much anyone with enough forethought.
By that I do NOT mean that they can kill anyone "because they feel like it", but because the cabal is designed with an incredible amount of leeway. It leads to several "correct" implementations of Hammer philosophy. "Fight" doesn't even necessarily mean physical fighting, either. I would say that a Hammer that acted only in defense and went around digging wells or other absurd public works projects stuck to the spirit of the cabal as much as a Hammer that camped Losache courtyard for 3 hours and killed anything that moved.
I continue mentioning the Hammer in a discussion on lightie alignment because I believe they are the ultimate, purist incarnation of the alignment of their leadership. For instance, Sorel led the Hammer much more differently than someone like Altheadion. The scrupulous alignment is probably the alignment with the broadest range of RP within its restrictions.
Seeing as how D already said that he probably would remove "ruthless" from the help file, I'd like to address that. Even if ruthless gets removed, the rest of the help file doesn't make much sense if we're going to scrutinize it like that. If they're not ruthless, why are they willing to work with ANYONE? Why would they allow themselves to hurt innocents in the process? They have to have a "dark" edge to them in order to separate themselves from principled. They are NOT gray at all, since there is no personal selfishness involved, but simply a willingness to hurt others.
I see scrupulous chars as the kind of people to nuke Hiroshima. It sucks, it might not be morally right and it kills a whole shitload of people, but if SOMEBODY has to do it, the scrupulous chars would.