Santa Dulrik, please bring us...
(In no particular order...)
1. Actions that show even when you're not standing. Not necessarily one for each position, just an action that will add after "is resting|sitting" like it now does for "is".
2. An adverb allowed with the say:
>asay cheerily Happy Yiggmas!
You cheerily exclaim 'Happy Yiggmas!'
3. A way for non-bards to sing without constantly saying and without breaking the emote speech rules. Maybe a symbol at the end, to respond like exclamation points and question marks now do.
4. A drag command, to drag stunned NPCs/PCs, possibly in conjunction with a bind command (with different strengths of material giving different potential for escape, and an escape command for a couple of classes - rogues should be skilled at wriggling out of tight spots, and barbarians should have a chance of using their brute strength).
5. New races - a minotaur for the evil side, and for light/grey, faun/satyr? New shoes for them, since split hooves and horseshoes seem absurd, but they'd need some sort of boon like that, I'd imagine. Brute strength for the former, charisma and dexterity for the latter.
6. A rather worthless spell for clergy, 'create vestments'. Creates a possibly religion-specific, but not terribly powerful, piece of about clothing - sack cloth, toga, robe, what have you, but something for priests to be able to easily offer the newly-ressed and naked.
7. More personalizing touches to differentiate faiths/organizations - I heard that there were once a lot of symbol scripts, but even the RP-only ones were removed in some cases?
8. Raise/lower hood/visor when wearing an applicable cloak or helm. Possibly change adjective to hooded/visored, with the hood having a chance of falling back, particularly in strong winds. Helm would also, as Worts said, help against dirt kick.
9. Have glance show size and a rough age estimate, possibly have a player set eye and hair color that would show at a glance also.
10. Take away language requirements for a pet's emotes to show - surely the language barrier wouldn't so much affect critters?
I'll be sure to leave a cookie by the computer!