Just had to make that point in it's own little reply window cause it matters to me so much.
I tip my hat IRL sometimes when I'm not even wearing one...not like you have to be in the military to salute. Know what I mean?
I love the socials we have and we need more, not less.
Awesome socials:
voodoo, circle, headbutt, finger, beer (by itself and targeted), bcatch, yodel, scoff, bslap, snowball, laces, claw, bleed, blade, explode, and beard.
Mudsexxor socials that we could stand to lose:
blush, kiss, french, bkiss, nibble, massage, undress, wiggle, stare, strip, stroke, squeeze, nuzzle, pant, snuggle, cuddle, spank, and honk.
Suggestions for Mudsexxor replacements:
ninja, assassinate, pirate, harhar, murder, blade1 (blood of enemies), blade2 (blood of friends), robotdance, deedeedee, horse (pretend to be a horse), badger, and of course flash/poledance
Yah, I'm just messing around. If you don't like socials don't use them. What would you wan't 'tip' to be other than tipping your hat? Put a dollar in their thong? Keep it.