(speaking as me personally, not as an administrator/immortal)...
Frankly, the amount of entertainment SK provides for free, I'm very surprised there aren't a lot more stepping up to at least admit that it's worth the odd $5 -- an amount much less than what is probably thrown away on pretty dodgy 1-2 hours of entertainment on any given weekend (I know I've watched a few movies that made me regret the waste of money).
Anyway, that's just my own perspective.
Lastly, I'm fairly sure "Elite Subscriber" was a short term solution (it wouldn't be my personal choice) so that at least those who subscribe were not ignored while the final titles are decided on.
My suggestions...
"Mortal Subscriber"
"Generous Supporter"
"Noble Mortal"
And for immortals...
"Immortal Subscriber"
"Generous Immortal"
"Immortal Philanthropist"
"Immortal Contibutor"
"Noble Immortal"
(yes, that's right.. I think immortals should also have a title if they pony up... speaking of which