meztiso wrote:
I think people should share more OOC info *gasp*
Well certian things like where to level should be shared. It is not fair for someone like me who does not know how to Plevel to be leveling the same [REDACTED] guy while I see a whole generation of charactors be created and GMed then deleted a few times before I get to hit Champ. It sucks that it takes me about 3-4 months to GM a Priest while it takes other about 2 weeks (or under).
As for stats and spells. Well I believe stats should be shared. Unless you want a few power gamers to know how to create near perfect charactors and others training thiere all wrong. Making an lopsided PK arena.
Lol, this is -all- [REDACTED] you can legitimately find out ICly.
Also, it IS fair that if you don't know how to level that it should take longer. Stop QQing and learn.