Salak wrote:
Targeting glitch? Huh. I honestly thought it was a tactic. Oh well. Thanks for clearing that up. I've been out of touch with the forums for quite some time now.
Np. Thing is, sure, it's a tactic, but it's a tactic that relies completely on OOCery and an abuse of the limitations of the targeting system. Like, technically speaking, there's no IC reason why a character would, while intending to aim for a PC, target a spell at their pet instead. There was actually a code change implemented because people wouldn't stop naming their pet to match their adj/name just to use this. People decided that wasn't hint enough not to bloody well do it, though, and so decided to start making adjectives that match the pets they already knew they'd be using. The form of abuse is identical, and it will be really a poor showing if it ends up that D has to do ANOTHER code change that prevents people from buying pets with similar targeting words to their adjs just because a few douchebags can't figure out that it's against the rules.