Terrus wrote:
Why is it you can't regain hp or mana or movement points while plagued or poisoned? I realize they wake you up from sleeping but even while resting you don't regen crap.
The game makes poisoned/plagued characters temporarily 'sit' in the slight moment of the tick, so resting/sleeping no longer negates it. It is a pretty serious change that adds on top of all the burdens of leveling that SK is already difficult of. Poison + plague used to slow down already, now it may even kill some characters. What is the point?
Muktar wrote:
Last time I was poisoned, I was able to regain health/mana.
As far as I know, and correct me if I am wrong; certain races and/or lower constitution score have weaknesses against poison + plague, while certain races and/or high constitution score have resistance to them. Therefore it really hurts some than others, which is a necessary change I suppose.
Terrus wrote:
can we change that so people don't spend their time on the game doing lame stuff like nothing?
I wonder the same. SK has really been tuned into a very hardcore game, and it is all text too. Leveling isn't easy, and there is poison/plgue and/or jail time to deal with.
There is one more thing. Healers in cities are so horrible at curing poison + plague (or just anything). Will you please do something about that? Two to three platinums per pop and they almost always fail.