Dark-Avenger wrote:
Do you remember back in the day when there were only 3 quests basically? One in Vaerlain, one in Necropolis, on in that tower. And people used them to get the whole last level?
Why were they wimped? Was it because they were scaled with level? No, because 234524312 more quests were added. And as 32414214515 more quests are added everyday in SK now(I know every new area must have quests in it), it only makes sense if they are wimped a bit in the XP they offer.
And since you got the golden age syndrome, do you remember back then when it took you as the average player at least 200 hours to GM and none bitched about it also? Actually, in 200 hours people were happy. After 500 hours it started to be considered slow.
Now, because a few years ago people presented us the Chancel and the CoH(it all pretty much started from there) and generally a LOT of sick levelling areas were implemented and people managed to hit GM in less than 20 hours, now people say that 100 hours to hit GM is too much.
So decide what you want. Do you want the golden age syndrome or not?
Anyway, imo levelling is fine now. Perhaps a bit too fast also if you want people to consider their characters complete at master and not GM. At least I considered my chars complete at master back then, I was getting out PKing and RPing and all from there pretty much and if I had a chance to level up a little more I wasn't saying no, but generally levelling wasn't my priority. Now you are able to hit GM within 50-60 hours(no twinking/hookups and considering my outdated knowledge of SK in the last year), so yes, SK levelling is fine and nothing to [REDACTED] about.
Your entire idea that I have golden age syndrome is wrong sadly, my first two characters never GM'ed, infact it's well known that I never went out of my way to go past Master on any character because I enjoyed the RP/PK side of things alot more than I did leveling. When you aren't a lootwhore you have the freedom to do these things. I age-deathed a sprite without ever even hitting GM, so take your golden-age syndrome leveling speed thought and shove it up your [REDACTED]. Thanks.
As for the rest of your post, it's complete and utter [REDACTED]. Simple as that. People I talk to on a daily basis who have rolled characters with OOC friends so they have immediate allies are taking around 200 hours. Even cake classes with prior OOC knowledge and using "twinkish methods" are coming in around 120 hours. You're full of [REDACTED] DA, and I'll leave it at that. Some may be pulling of 60-80, but it's a slim damned minority if it exists at all.