jhorleb wrote:
As someone who knew of your character only from the "other" side, I don't really understand. Rather than being PKed into deletion, you were NPC-K'd into deletion?
Also, curious about your two PK deaths, one being at the store. A char of mine got you once and you seemed to be at the keyboard.
Hesbra was a Gold-pelted male centaur. You must be thinking of someone else, unless you are counting the time I went to jail and got excecuted I don't consider that a pk when no players were around and I was arrested by law NPCs.
As for the NPC-k'd into deletion, I don't think people understand how seldom it is for me to die on SK. I've been playing for years, and to me this is like a Nintendo game I've played 1000 times. I kid you not I can wander SK for weeks doing risky things and not die. For me to die 12 times is extremely rare and hard to take. Ormak, my last char, outside of being pked like 2 or 3 times died once I think.
That's a large part of why I deleted. I don't think people get that. How used to playing SK I've become. I have an alt that is a month old and is frequently played and he's died 1 time. I'm not saying I never ever die I'm saying the circumstances have to be pretty unusual like an immediate NPC repop or something.