I have been muling over an idea on enhancing aging. The name of this idea doesn't matter, it can be prestige, honor, fame, or deeds. For the purpose of explaining this idea, let's call it deeds.
Background: Certain races in SK have shorter life spans in the game. Currently, once those characters have 'age ticked', they are not as attractive to play as those would be new characters, especially in the case of characters requiring physical stats. Generally there is very small incentive to promote for longevity, and characters tend to come and go in SK.
Proposal: A system that supports longevity, even after aging, providing more benefits than mental stats for these characters. Every set period of time, SK staff would hold events, events that spawn monsters driven by stories, and quests given to PCs to vanquish these monsters. (This is one way for players to earn deeds, certainly not the only way.)
Idea in example: Let's take human for simplicity. They live for about 1 year and then some. About 6 months after they reach their first age-tick. What then? Every month or so, either as Bonanza or not, imms spawn a monster like a rampaging dragon in the wilds. Ice queen, greater rock golem, wretched wizard, whatever. Everyone can goto their local town crier, or concerned citizen, or judge to take a quest. Quest can only be completed once. Upon completion of quest they receive a record in deeds.
Deeds are accumulative and required to deem for rewards when characters reach their age-ticks. Rewards and benefits suggestions will come later. A person has to have enough deeds at the time of their age-ticks to purchase rewards. In a way they have transformed into an esteemed citizen or hero of the lands, and these deeds are recognized by the local authority. Now what kind of rewards would make this worthwhile?
Rewards: Gradually, as characters have completed more deeds, and upon reaching their age ticks, they would receive better and more rewards and benefits. If a human character has participated quests of deeds during Bonanza 4 out of 6 times in 6 months, arbitrary numbers here, they have gained enough deeds to receive rewards and benefits:
1. Cheaper rates from all shopkeepers of the character's recall kingdom. Cheaper horses, repairs, merchandise, and healing services. From 80% at 1/2 age-tick to 60% at 3/4 age-tick then 30% when someone is about to die if they have kept the character for that long. Numbers are arbitrary.
2. Equipment in the slots of rings/bracelets/necklaces. One piece per person, and these increase in enchantments too with more deeds. Similar to Helms of Gods' Blessing from Pilgrimage. They zap those without adequate level of deeds.
2a. An example of a slot would be: a shining amulet of magic warding (brand new) with +3 to all schools at 1/2, then +4 at 3/4 and +5 on one piece when someone has lived most of their lives, and their physical stats is absolutely horrible. At which point if they have lived their lives fully, they have become the most prestigious citizen.
2b. Further example of equipment reward would be weapons. Popular weapon subtypes that go from mithril battle-spear +3 at 1/2 to adamantite battle-spear +5 at 3/4, finally energy battle-spear (lol?) when they have lived their lives.
FAQ&A: Anticipated questions with answers.
1. How exactly do you earn deeds or whatever?
Whenever imms hold events, they spawn monsters, then quests are provided to go slay them! Monster(s) respawn when killed and everyone can make their own groups to have a go for the whole weekend. Need at least expert to take the quest. This is one way to gain deeds. More ideas are obviously needed.
2. Why not just give every character who ages the same benefits?
This is because people could create characters then shelf them and start playing their human sorcs with 25 int + all kinds of rewards. Characters are encouraged to participate Bonanzas and global events, and longevity is promoted in the process.
3. Standard Dark-Avenger and Ardith/Cyra Captain Negatives responses such as: WTF OMFG THIS IS TOO POWERFUL NURF IT!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Dark-Avenger and Ardith/Cyra in advance.
4. Standard Sypher responses such as: WTF OMG AGING IS FINE DON"T FIX WHAT AIN"T BROKE!!!!!!
Thanks Sypher etc in advance too.
All numbers and rewards suggested are arbitrary. Please take the idea for its essence not the actual rewards/benefits suggested.