If people used triggers to automate their casting of the spell that would be considered cheating.
As long as you are at the keyboard, they aren't illegal. Anyways, that point is moot because if it were, a simple snoop would catch it right away. Don't discard a marvelous idea simply because of this (smart players can even punish said trigger-users if they wish, simply emote 'starts to concentrate' a million times.)
When I read the description of this spell I was sceptical I must confess, but seeing the examples I am simply ecstatic. For me, it would be much like timing two cure lights between combat because of the mentioned delay for overseas connections, but still, it remains an extremely potent and viable alternative to both PvE and PvP.
If it can be coded, I would be thrilled to see this implemented. Especially if the power of melee characters were wimped a bit and locking down a caster might become a bit more important than it is now. Another upside of this suggestion is that it makes the mana pool of any caster matter, not just voodoo shamans.