ilkaisha wrote:
If you do this, please please please erase the necessity to travel to different newbie areas to get your basic skills in. Lots of newb schools aren't complete.
Thank you, seriously. That or just give people 100% of their PE at level 1. Dulrik, I'm not sure you realize how hard it is to get ANYWHERE as a lowbie. You can lose 14% or more of your PE walking through a wilderness room. Sure, I know to expect this and can deal with it, but if I'm just starting SK, am I going to feel like wasting my time sleeping every five rooms? Granted most newbies probably won't be able to get anywhere since I think we can all agree the map thing is confusing as all get out when you first start.
And then, let's say you manage to scrounge up the coin to buy a horse. I had a lowbie get killed by an imp ON THE ROAD yesterday and then die 3 minutes after getting resurrected to a tiger in the wilderness. Wilderness NPCs need to A) be removed completely B) all lose aggro status C) Not kill people below like Jman. It's not like these NPCs serve any purpose other than to grief low level characters(which I would HOPE is not something we want?), anybody that's upper levels will kill them in a few hits or one or two spells.
P.S./Edit : I would highly suggest adding 'HELP MAP' to the list of main helpfiles under HELP NEWBIE, I know I personally never read all the helpfiles when I first start a game, just the main ones usually. I didn't even realize the thing was a map for months and months.