I'm not sure what you mean by that.. unless "probability to hit" is different from "accuracy".
o Affect: 'rallying cry' - morale bonus to weapon damage o
o Affect: 'rallying cry' - morale bonus to probability to hit o
o Affect: 'prayer' - morale bonus to reflex o
o Affect: 'prayer' - morale bonus to willpower o
o Affect: 'prayer' - morale bonus to fortitude o
o Affect: 'prayer' - morale bonus to weapon damage o
o Affect: 'prayer' - morale bonus to probability to hit o
o Affect: 'frenzy' - penalty to magical protection o
o Affect: 'frenzy' - morale bonus to weapon damage o
o Affect: 'frenzy' - morale bonus to probability to hit o
o Affect: 'berserk' - penalty to magical protection o
o Affect: 'berserk' - morale bonus to weapon damage o
o Affect: 'berserk' - morale bonus to probability to hit o
o Affect: 'luck' - luck bonus to probability to dodge o
o Affect: 'luck' - luck bonus to probability to hit o
All these are from my own logs, except I took the last buff from a log that wasn't mine: If it's IC info feel free to edit it.
The one thing is that none of these spells except luck will stack(all morale bonuses): Only the most powerful will be active at a time. Luck, however, will always stack.