Marshmellow_Dave wrote:
A reminder to anyone who thinks that PAR is not a wet, groaning, incestuous orgy:
Alifer got PAR.
We are talking about the generalizations we make based on perceptions of the current system. For every generalization I'm sure we can all make an exception here or there, including your Alifer example up there.
I still stand by my idea. I'd like to see paragon character activity made a factor in the actual score used to determine the flag carriers, and not just a 'pass or fail' requisite for keeping the flags. I'm tired of a few of these paragons claiming they play alts to ninja-enlight and play their paragon mains part-time. If alts end up taking more of the player's time then their main, then that character is no longer a main is it? I also stand by the attitude that an active, visible paragon is more helpful to the game than some secret, ninja alt for a paragon player. It promotes grand-standing, which I feel is a good thing despite whatever qualms paragons and Imms may have about it. I also feel like a paragon is doing their job and deserving of their status if I can actually see them on the who list.
I'd also like to see more weight put on rewards given to players who are rewarded at a lower level. If their ambitions are to attain paragon at some point, it might actually encourage people to RP their characters before they GM. This might actually help sort out the power-players who are frequently only part-time RPers, from the hard-core RPers who are probably more deserving of the PAR flags. Werttrew's 'bard' comes to mind as an example of what I'm trying to get at.