-Johnix- wrote:
If it is true and the casting time has been increased then maybe the spell is ok now. But the point of more warlocks-->more RE vials is laughable. Everyone nowadays has 15 healing vials in their inventory but they still cry for imba melee damage. :D
Your analogy between melee damage and magma spray is horribly skewed. You can't preemptively quaff heal potions before the start of a fight to prevent melee damage.
You have to quaff them after the damage has been sustained, which means you have to be in a non-prone position to do it. If you're taking melee damage, there's a good chance you will be bashed or tripped, preventing you from quaffing potions.
However, with resist elements, you can quaff that preemptively before a fight begins and prevent magma spray from clinging and also reduce the damage of any elemental spell by a good chunk.
There is an inverse proportion to warlock damage and population. As the warlock population increases, their damage will decrease (due to availability of resist elements). As the warlock population decreases, their damage will increase (due to less availability to resist elements).