But I guess since most people find this tactic fine, I can once more say I pity the quality of RP in SK.
Don't be so damn grumpy all the time, DA.
The quality of RP in SK has nothing to do with this system at all. I do not see how it is breaking RP for someone to give his weapon/armor to someone before turning up to the enemy and surrendering.
Now CRS on the other hand, [Enter random grumpy CRS flaming here.]
Back on track, I think it's fine. To banish a character who happened to attack a country on one occasion, and then in another 10 years later from a certain land, practically terminating his chances to ever RP there again, that's what's detrimental to RP.
In all honesty, I do not like the jail system at all. It is a system that forces you, the player, to sit staring at the screen for X time, unable to do anything. This means players are pushed to do other things while they play a game, which defeats the whole purpose of a game as by the following equation:
Sk = game
Game = fun
Fun = something that provides mirth or amusement.
Watching your char unable to do anything but send tells =! fun
Unfortunately there's not much else you can do to make a punishment feel
like one to the player, though.