Shattered Kingdoms

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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:01 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:27 am
Posts: 5014
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First of all, lets take a look at what the problem REALLY is, the law systems that differ dramatically in EACH kingdom.

  Laws of Zhenshi

          Attempted Theft: imprisonment
          Attempted Assault: imprisonment
          Attempted Murder: imprisonment
          Theft: imprisonment wealth-confiscate
          Assault and Battery: imprisonment wealth-fine
          Low Murder: imprisonment wealth-fine eq-fine
          High Murder: imprisonment wealth-confiscate eq-confiscate


Laws of Taslamar

          Attempted Theft: wealth-fine
          Attempted Assault: eq-fine
          Attempted Murder: imprisonment eq-fine
          Theft: wealth-confiscate
          Assault and Battery: imprisonment wealth-fine
          Low Murder: imprisonment eq-confiscate
          High Murder: death wealth-confiscate eq-confiscate


  Laws of Ayamao

          Attempted Theft: wealth-fine
          Attempted Assault: eq-fine
          Attempted Murder: imprisonment eq-fine
          Theft: mutilation wealth-fine
          Assault and Battery: imprisonment eq-fine
          Low Murder: imprisonment eq-confiscate
          High Murder: death wealth-confiscate eq-confiscate


  Laws of Wastes

          Attempted Theft: mutilation wealth-fine
          Attempted Assault: mutilation eq-fine
          Attempted Murder: mutilation wealth-confiscate eq-fine
          Theft: imprisonment mutilation wealth-fine
          Assault and Battery: imprisonment eq-fine
          Low Murder: imprisonment wealth-fine eq-fine
          High Murder: death wealth-confiscate eq-confiscate


  Laws of Empire

          Theft: mutilation wealth-fine
          Assault and Battery: death
          Low Murder: mutilation eq-fine
          High Murder: death wealth-confiscate eq-confiscate


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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:06 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:27 am
Posts: 5014
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Now that we have finished assessing the laws and penilities of each kingdom, the two seemingly harshest evil areas in the game, are about the best law systems, not alot of crimes go to jail, hell, empire you rarely go to jail at all.

Looking at the "lightie" kingdoms, however, is where our problems lay.

Now, no huge big codes need to be placed in SK or new things, to modify to make sentences(notice how I didn't say jail time) better.

I assume now that the major arguement of the lighties giving their lesser crimes no jail time, would be that they are proud and light hearted, and not heartless monsters. Well, no offense, but, lighties back in the day IRL, and in games, chop off peoples heads. So we do not want to hear any of that nonsense.

What I am proposing! A law system that allows things such as

Theft/Attempted Theft/Attempted murder on NPCs/Assult and battery/attempted assult and battery, have penilties such as mutilation/eq fine/monatary fine.

NOW: THAT WILL NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF PEOPLE BEING NOOBS AND DISREGUARDING THE LAW SYSTEM AND HAVING PEOPLE HOLD THEIR MONIES/GEAR. BUT! IT WOUUUUUUUUULD HELP SKs, not have to serve a shitload of time in a confined place that is boring as all hell as "punishment" for a major aspect of the game.

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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:10 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:27 am
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Laws of Pyrathia

          Attempted Theft: wealth-confiscate
          Attempted Assault: mutilation/death(hanging or whatever)
          Attempted Murder: for PC's a day in jail, for NPCs a half day in jail
          Theft: wealth-confiscate/mutilation(an eye for an eye)
          Assault and Battery: imprisonment wealth-fine
          Low Murder: wealth-fine eq-fine death(for those of you whom
          stalk other lowbies lvling and report them so you can have the
          area to yourself)
          High Murder: imprisonment wealth-confiscate eq-confiscate death.


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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:14 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:27 am
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Now, I would not mind all of these varying slightly from each kingdom, but I believe most all of us are simply annoyed at jail time, now, say you have a big shot, like Benjamin, thats in a tribunal, we can also add a maaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssveeeeeeeeeeeee RP system, to where if you DO SO BELONG TO A TRIBUNAL OR A CABAL, that For EAAAAAAAAAAAACH crime you commit that DOES IN FACT relate to monatary confinscation, that an platinum PER CRIME, comes out of the TRIUBNAL OR CABAL coffers, of SAID PC, therefore, wtfpwning withdrawing money from your account and putting it somewhere while you serve your time(to an extent), and you also get your leaders RPing with you for a wtf manner, you can look at this in TWO ways.

1.) If your personal coffers cannot pay for it, the law will send a bill to your tribunals.
2.) If you are trying to cheat another system out of its well deserved monies, you are getting owned.

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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:16 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:27 am
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We aren't done yet, and thanks for not posting in between my posts!

A new RP style ending to execution, you're character is hung, not his head chopped off, there is a short RP where players can indeed come throw veggies at your face, and the like, and mock you, but, this also has a chance of your buddies riding in to save the day to where you are not executed, althought this certain idea could use alot more explanation, I believe everyone can gather the basic grasp of it.

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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:22 pm 

Joined: Wed May 07, 2008 2:00 pm
Posts: 35
I really like the hanging idea. Would be alot of fun to rp a linchin!

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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:39 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 01, 2006 1:44 pm
Posts: 402
im for it.. i like the fact that it would even the jail time instead of lighties just getting a arm cut and me having to spend a day in jail each time...


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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:42 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:27 am
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Hangings aren't the real idea here folks, just part of it. :/

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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 1:37 pm 

Joined: Sat Feb 28, 2004 5:14 pm
Posts: 819
In history nobility always had a ransom placed on their life if they where captured. Perhaps a ransom system where the more times you go to jail the higher the price goes. How ever there are very limited noble PCs so the PC should have to serve their time with in their own kingdom. Where they are then able to potentially get a pardon. There would need some kind of punishment. Im thinking the first day you can not get a pardon.
These ransoms could be payed by anyone of the kingdom you are being held or your home nation. At any bank noble benefactors come from strange places. If you are in jail for crimes in your home nation then anyone of the tribunal or related cabal could pay for release at a higher cost.

The pardon title would doubling the cost of their ransom. If your nation is at war then the price is upped again.

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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 2:48 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 17, 2002 4:18 pm
Posts: 2026
Location: In the palm of the left hand black
I like where both Peso and Silmar are going with this. Allow me to put my spin on it. It's a little long but I believe in being thorough with detail.

First, a common punishment system for each kingdom.

Attempted Theft - Monetary Fine
Theft - Confiscation of wealth and one piece of equipment, lose an arm. (symbolic retribution dictates you will always lose an arm for this)
attempted assault - Confiscation of one piece of equipment. Confiscation of wealth (10% of the confiscated wealth goes to the victim's bank account, the rest to the kingdoms)
Assault - Confiscation of wealth (20% goes to the victim's bank account, the rest to the kingdom's), Confiscation of a piece of equipment, One day imprisonment, mutilation upon exiting prison. If sentence exceeds five days, they will be executed after five days are up.
Attempted murder - Confiscation of wealth (20% goes to the victim's bank account, the rest to the kingdom's), confiscation of equipment, one day imprisonment followed by execution. Maximum of five days total before execution.
Murder - Confiscation of all wealth and equipment (all goes to kingdom...dead people don't need money after all). Immediate mutilation for each count, One day for each count of murder in prison. Execution to follow. Maximum of five days in prison.

And now we add ransom to make this awesome.

All non-affiliated characters (no cabal/tribunal membership) will have a maximum sentence of five days before they are executed. Even if they kill sixty people and finally get caught, the people just won't stand for them to live past five days and the government isn't feeding them. This will really help out those with bounty hunter/assassin rp who keep having to kill in cities and their rp gets ruined when they're banished everywhere.

All Tribunal members will have no maximum cap to their sentences. They will however be able to have their tribunal leaders pay their ransom fee of one obsidian per day they have left in prison to get them out. Tribunal leaders may automatically pay their own ransom fee. Non-leaders must await the leader's approval. A new flag could be created and given to say, two non-leaders in the tribunal that allows them to approve ransom payment as well. The paid ransom automatically goes to the kingdom's bank account. All law punishments besides execution, mutilations etc, will be still meted out to all non-leader tribunal members. Once ransom is paid though, their time is up and they will not be executed.

War status between two kingdoms results in the above.
Truce status between two kingdoms results in ransom being multipled by 2 for non-leader members who commit crimes during a truce. This is for daring to break the truce. Nothing changes for leaders who do this.

Committing crimes in an allied tribunal's city to members of that tribunal results in three times the ransom cost for all crimes committed while the two factions are allied.

Commiting crimes in an allied tribunal's city to non-tribunal members not of factions that city is at war with results in regular ransom costs and no confiscations or mutilations (so in case you have to stop someone committing a crime in your allies' city. The guards will still arrest you but will treat you with respect. You can serve just the time with no other penalties while you wait for the tribunal to pardon you. Your own people can go ahead and ransom you out in the mean time though. You will never face any penalty other than jail time though.)

Committing crimes in an allied tribunal's city against tribunal factions that tribunal is at war and with KNOWN cabal (known by THEIR guards) members they are at war with are not illegal, so technically, they aren't even crimes.

Tribunal leaders suffer a different fate. Since they are suppose to be known in the world, at least to the other factions, when they are arrested they will never be confiscated for wealth or equipment or mutilated. Their ransom price, however, is tripled for the first fifty days in prison. All days past fifty are reduced to one obsidian. No ransom can exceed the maximum limit of a cabal's/tribunal's bank account limit. In addition, leaders who commit crimes against allied tribunal members during times of alliance will have four times the ransom cost.

Cabal Members will be treated just like non-affiliated people unless they use an active cabal ability during a crime. Then they will be treated like a tribunal member and have the ransom option. Cabal leaders will not be treated differently than regular members like tribunal leaders with the exception of the midnight council. Note that passive cabal abilities and abilities specifically coded to not break laws will not cause the offender to be subject to ransom. It is only actively used abilities while breaking crimes that cause ransom to be able to be used. Once a cabal member has revealed their membership to a city, the city guards will remember that they were held for ransom in the past and that character will from then on out be subject to ransom.

Now why are cabal members treated different than tribunal? This is because tribunals are not secretive in nature, cabals are. Many people may never even know the true membership or who actually leads any cabal. This allows cabal members to keep their identity secret and not to be spoiled by an ooc coding. Only by using cabal abilities that are dead give aways of membership to even the most clueless person will cause ransom to be made available. Like if someone is beating on you with a certain glowy weapon, or if you kill someone and suddenly they look like a totally different person, or if you're covered in blood...things like that. These things do not reveal who actually leads a cabal though, so cabal leaders will never have the same deal as tribunal leaders except the midnight council's leaders.

Sorry for the long post, but I had to lay out all the details.

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