ilkaisha wrote:
Lirimaer_Elda wrote:
I has a thought!
Casting know alignment tells you something of the person's upbringing, yes?
It tells you the true nature of their heart. It always should (including through a certain other spell that remains nameless).
What about if your actions were reflected in your aura? Your alignment can never change. No matter how you start, that will always be a part of you, how you are remembered.
But what if a darkie doing a kind act had it reflected in their aura. He gives coins to a little kid, does a quest that really is a 'lightie quest'. Things like that.
A gray aura who starts to do a bunch of good deeds, repenting the selfishness for selflessness.
And prayers of course will affect the aura. Which means...if a paladin or hellion falls out of their favored alignment, their prayers go bye-bye. It means priests could have more of a role. Priests would be detect auras and seeing how the actions of the flock are affecting them. It means people who fall from grace through their actions are found and will have to atone for them.
Oooo look...a combination of static and reflective of action.
Okay, really, I need to stop posting at a quarter to 4 in the morning but the idea sounded interesting.
Sounds like Liri's been playing too much KotOR
I have no idea what you said I've been playing too much of so obviously I haven't been playing it!
and to Enishi...
I have played characters who were grey, where something drastic happened to them that made them change. It took a RL year of RP to get acknowledged by the faith she pledged herself to.
SK is set up for people to never change and grow but they do.
I recently heard someone tell a greybie, "You are unprincipled and will always be."
There are people who will go off of your aura no matter what. Your aura should be a reflection of your actions. Your alignment a reflection of your upbringing.
As for how to code it, you put it on a point system, actions are put on a point system, etc.
Considering people recently felt that a lightie killing a lightie was WRONG, when that said attacker was not in the "It crowd" but didn't bat a lash when a light in the "It crowd" did it to an unpopular lightie, what does that tell you?
We've already made mention of help files having to be changed because of how people were playing their characters.