Carsetius wrote:
Goldlantern wrote:
Carsetius, stop letting Mezcao use your computer.
Are you refering to the bad grammer? If you are, stfu if it is something about the stupidness of the idea well then stfu!
He meant the former.
Carsetius actually wrote:
On a side know about mintoaurs, I have not played one but I have heard that they cant where a head slot. What about allowing them to wear noserings? Like that NPC in the Teron noobie area. Let them get a limited ac for a nosering but allow them nothing else?
Carsetius with some corrections wrote:
As a side note about minotaurs: I have not played one but I have heard that they can't wear head slot items. What about allowing them to wear noserings? Like that NPC in the Teron newbie area. Let them get limited AC for a nosering, but don't allow them to wear anything else.
No malice intended on my part - just thought I'd offer correct text if you're interested in knowing why it was hard to read. No biggie.