The area list in game, is that considered IC? When I was leveling I approached it as, I heard of a place called "Blah Blah Blah", might you know where I can find it?
Or would I technically not even know the name?
Also leveling spots, most of them I had NO CLUE where they were until someone showed me.
Do most of you play that with new characters by asking around?
Or are cities, villages, and areas considered common knowledge around the lands.
I'm not talking about the special areas that need keywords, quest, or are in crazy remote locations, I'm talking more of the common ones located not far off the roads, near cities, within cities, and such.
Playing completely nub sucks at my late/early play time. The other night there was only me and one other person on.
I have been playing that I know of the kingdoms, and of some of the areas that are near the roads, figuring my character would run into them just by walking from kingdom to kingdom. Just wanted to get others opinions to make sure I'm not walking any lines.