On the topic of dispel,
I am jaunted between two possibilities.
Dulrik wrote:
- Dispel checks do not use art or EQ enchants
Though it depends on what 'checks' stands for. I'll analyze that later.
Dulrik wrote:
You get a saving throw when someone tries to dispel on you. Then if you fail, there is still a dispelling check against the level of each spell being affected. The dispelling check is not a save and art does not apply.
So you get a saving throw when someone tries to dispel you. That should mean staff, spell or holyword, though I am a bit confused about how holyword works. Anyway, let's assume it works as if you've brandished a dispel staff targeting only opposite alignment.
The question is:
Is that SAVING THROW modified by art and equip enchants,
Or is it a stat check like taunt, where you just save with your base wisdom.
To be even more clear, I am talking about the check to see whether dispel will affect you, not the mechanic in which it kills spells after it has affected you.