All you have to do to get out of taunt Achernar is go ethereal and spam quaff word. You can't quaff while taunted, but you will insta quaff it the moment the affect goes off. Or spam flee or spam a direction with auto follow off. Or do quite a few different things. Also, even the weaker ethereal scroll lasts longer than taunt.
That's how hard it is to avoid taunt. The risk about worrying on the duration of your magical item simply does not exist.
So yes, ethereal >>> taunt. In all its aspects(casted, from items, from devices).
Also, how can you consider spam casting stone skin actually an action to harm the swashie? Warlocks don't have combat casting afaik. So as they spam concentrate on their spell, they don't even melee attack the swashie.
Until these are fixed though, you are still a biased moderator in my eyes who was in haste to harm my char on purpose. And I'm not talking about the wimping of the item only, I know it will be restored or a lot more wimping will come, judging from your post, but for not caring the slightest for the wasted hours of my life re-enchanting said piece of equipment.
So if you are fine with destroying my gaming experience, just refrain yourself from preaching such things in the future, will you?