whocarez62 wrote:
Exactly, Dulrik doesn't seem to understand this fact. People play SK to be entertained not to use 60+ hours grinding NPCs or 3+ hours being in jail.
People already whine their asses off about "OMG I GOT KILLED FOR NO REASON!" or, "OMG THEY JUST KILLED ME FOR MY LEWT, WITH NO RP!", imagine how much worse this would be without the thought of jail time in the back of people's mind. Execution doesn't mean anything when you have a priest to immediately rez you, and confiscation can be, and is easily avoided 90% of the time.
And if it takes you 60+ hours to get to a point where you can start to enjoy other parts of the game (Mentor~) you seriously need to talk to someone and get some tips on leveling. Any class that can wear heavy armor and use a sword or any class with the spear skill can get to Master in roughly 25 hours. Priests and shamans are a pain in the [REDACTED], and the casters aren't too bad.
If you consider that once you spend 40(?) hours getting your character to Master-ish..you can then play that character for another two, three, four, even five hundred+ hours. It's not really that much.
I got my current character to GM in about 100 hours, only about 40 of that was spent "grinding".
P.S. Also, if you suck at leveling, do yourself a favor and max your charisma. Pretty much every class/race/cabal/trib combo gets SOME benefit from charisma.