Demon wrote:
ninja_ardith wrote:
Pyras wrote:
Yes, it only works on the opposite alignment, but most PvP involves fighting the opposite alignment. Protection is extraordinarily important for any PVP situation.
Spoken like a player that has only played lighties.
Actually, Indeed -NOT-. I said most, not all, and I stand by that.
If you're a darky fighting mostly darkies, then that probably means that the mud is overpopulated with darkies or there are some lighties falling down on their job.
In addition, there's one shop in particular in a major city which -sells- protection potions, even though they're weak. Scouts FIND protection herbs. One of the most popular classes (priests) can brew protection.
Compare this to SA, which is only available brewed through one much less popular class, through artifacts that require a large-sized group to achieve (And are also hoarded), or through scripted items that are also limited and/or have serious drawbacks to their use.
ADD the availability argument to the fact that protection is overall more useful than SA, and you'll see why the two shouldn't be placed on the same scale, which is why this is a bad idea.