ninja_ardith wrote:
Let's see, if it stacks with spirit aura then non-religious characters with both spirit aura and protection would be gaining a huge defensive bonus over religious characters that only gain access to protection.
If it doesn't stack then there's no reason to bother since you're only going to get the higher of the two bonuses--spirit aura in melee.
This may be correct, but changing protection to only work on religion characters would only introduce a greater problem, because all characters with any brains in PK would join a religion in order to get the much more favorable protection buff. And I did mention that disallowing shamans from ever getting the protection buff would screw over tanking shamans, right?
There's already enough OOC incentive to join a religion (symbol bonuses/sacred armor) without having to worry about PK-hungry players bugging HFs just so they can get flagged and start using protection.
There's a fly on the window, and you're trying to kill it with a baseball bat.