Not everyone is so hardcore nerd as you, sir.
But if you want to get into common names that slip how about: MOREA, NERINA, UXMAL, EXILE, MENEGROTH, Empire of the Eastern Star (toss Eastern Star into it and you'll see the masonic references), all the god's names are real stars, all the stones are named after norse legends, The grand general infernal (can we say divine comedy?), the black hand, The fists of the white swan (right out of an anime), Paithan's tower (Paithan
also known as The ancient city of Pratishthan, now known as Paithan, was the seat of the Satvahana dynasty who ruled from 2nd century BC to 2nd century AD. it had a huge tower where the wealth of knowledge of the city was kept), Varloch (taken from DnD Larloch, ... arloch.htm), most of this game is simply a derivative from much more common, prominent things than some stupid talking horse in a 3rd book or some small city in LoTR.
And even Tlaxcala and other main offenses are left out. I never knew about the White Swan, Paithan and Varloch though, but Varloch did seem vaguely familiar. True originality on all fronts, though, is an extreme challenge to meet, so I never busted chops about it.