Demon wrote:
3)What class balance issues are there? Elaborate please cause personally I think they're all pretty balanced.
Class balance changes suggestions:
1) Remove undead concentration or time limit. One or the other, both is dumb.
2) Increase damage edrain does and xp lost (significantly, we're talking 1/2 level drain not two ticks) from it OR remove the edrain timer.
3) Make all animate type available at all levels. Level 50 zombies, or level 45 ghouls, etc. Can keep the same rate of new undead type acquisition (ie 50 for wraiths).
4) Lower cast time on plague significantly. Why is this so huge?
1) Make earthquake more useful. Just find a way.
2) Reduce concentration cost on ironguard.
3) Increase damage done by cone of cold.
4) Improve shocking grasp's reflex loss. Way more reflex needs to be lost with this.
1) Please put saves on all songs. Seriously.
2) Increase amount healed on songs of healing by a little.
3) Boost songs of death damage.
4) Something needs to be tweaked with persuasion. It's just not highly used.
1) cure poison. thanks.
1) Increase cleave damage now that resting position no longer boosts their damage from o all bash;cleave. That was a staple tactic.
2) Reduce concentration on domination by a little.
1) Second attack one status earlier please, thanks.
1) Edamage.
1) Make it so alertness allows the barbarian to dodge projectiles at a 50% normal dodge rate. You may not see why, but remember, they have no range ability.
1) Allow camo on a beach
2) Allow ambush to work with both a bow or a spear. Give different draw backs/bonuses for this.
3) Pets. This is more a builder issue, but seriously. Let's see some actual diversity and lack of wimping constantly for once for these guys.
4) More herb types.
4)In my experiences with art it has been extremely effective, this of course was with 9+ art trains though.
Try using them against anyone who has 20+ saves in each of the three categories.
5)This would be a great idea but how would you propose this? Something similar to an auction house where people can auction off items/scrolls/flasks/eq/etc?
That along with a "trade alliance" system that allows tribunals to open trade routes to each other, which influences prices and amounts that a shop can have of each type/material of item.
6)This sounds like a great idea and would actually promote conflict on a grand scale, people who are raping other countries would actually be able to "capture their flag" and control them until it was returned. Although I am afraid this would just be another CFT cabal like thing if it were implemented. Anything like our current cabal system has proven to be widely unpopular.
Not at all, this would be a system where each country has multiple cities/forts/lookout points that can be captured, granting bonuses/minuses for getting or losing them. Capitols are never up for grabs.
The process of going about capturing them is similar in theory to CRS, BUT, there's no big honking guardian. Only masses of regular guards + 'cabal gate' like ability for tribunal members to come in. Each fort is different, but with a standard 'set of points' that can be spent on things such as armor, number of NPCs, weapons, defensive mechanisms, magic, etc. This way, over time, they can change too as determined by tribunal leaders.
When you have successfully raided a fort or smaller city (difficulty goes up as you get closer to the capitol, IE everclear would be a [REDACTED] compared to some outpost on the uxmal/taslamar border), you have wiped out the local militia and successfully occupied the area for 30 minutes after the last guard dies. At this time, THERE IS NO LAW OR LOCKED DOORS AND NO DEFENSES WORK FOR EITHER SIDE. The defending tribunal has that 30 minutes to amass a force to respond to the invasion. If they succeed in driving out/killing the attackers, they get a moral bonus that lasts 1 week RL for a success victory, resulting in a modest bonus to HP/ME/PE for all /citizens/ of that nation, guard or not. (See where i am going with that? Enlisting citizenry for defense is a tactic and should have a reward.)
If after 30 minutes an attacker presence is still there (as defined by who is in war with said country) and the defenders have not driven them out, the place resets and the attacking country gains the morale bonus for its citizens. A pre-determined tract of land now becomes enemy territory. If more than 1 nation was involved in the attack, the one with the most attackers gets it. For 24 hours (1 day) only a 'light' guard garrison force spawns in the fort, as it takes a while for supplies to move across territories. After that, full guard force is present.
You must take territory adjacent to what you own. Uxmal will also have these forts, manned by NPCs not owned to any player. Those must also be taken and controlled. A disconnection in any of these will leave a fort stranded, and lose the ability to spawn anything. After a RL week, if a connection has not been made, the fort goes back to its original owner.
No capitol can be taken.
Bonuses for controlling territory in enemy land:
1) it's now your law, not their's!
2) You get income bonus from taxes from the land that dribble into your trib bank account daily
3) now your guards! not their's!
4) The more territory in a land you control, the more influence you have in that kingdom. This can be lead to wonderful RP opportunities. Seriously, a side can actually rp out surrender for once.
Also, it just makes tribs more fun to play overall. No more being city defense, or just for spell ups, but now you WAR.
7)Agreed, agreed, agreed, agreed. Bounty NPCs are too powerful, and frankly are just annoying. It makes it damn near impossible to go into a country you are wanted in solo and try to find someone you are after. It promotes seclusion and alienation of wanted people and in reality that is a good thing, but in SK its a bad thing.
No [REDACTED] joke.
9)Is there really enough orc history in SK to warrant a playable race? Do we have orc starting cities?
Tul'zuth is a pure orc city(serious), Teron has tons of them, ch'yzzrm does too, fort tethos area has them and orcs have invaded nations before.
So why not?
10)Not sure if this is necessary, I find the current portal stone system to be very convenient and not sure why you would even want to add more. Perhaps give a class the ability to make a timed portal stone that would last for a year or so or until the MUD reboots to replace the lack of gate anchors.
To promote movement and exploration. The more you get players out and moving, the more activity and fun will be had. It's much easier to get a portal stone to Owyran than to fly to it with a warlock/shaman for instance.
12)I agree with this, cut it in half. The people PVPing aren't the ones being punished by this crap its the noobs who die levelling that are being punished. You know how much it sucks to die only to get back to your corpse and not be able to carry what you were holding or your weapon for a full 30(?) minutes? It sucks a lot.
Yep. It's just punishing those who aren't good at the game. I've never had more than 2 SD's ever stacked at once, and that is a super rarity. Way to go screwing the newbie who dies to a NPC, then a road tick, then a tiger all on the way back to his corpse.
13)I agree, we should still be able to dump HP/ME/or MOVE like back in the day. If someone wants to dump HP they will suffer in other areas, and like wise with the other stats. They all have their downsides and the bonuses aren't particularly broken in any way.
Yep. The addition of art made choices now much harder and for a game with a 'we don't say you can't do that' it's really silly they say you can't do a lot of things.
15)What exactly do you mean here? Reduce their materials or how much damage they do?
Materials. It's really silly how many mithril/adamantite/energy/tanso weapons exist in game.
16)I think 10-15% would be a bit much, with the recent changes to MP spell damage did get an increase and in my opinion it shows. Can you elaborate as to why you would want this cause personally I think spells are pretty good right now.
Get hit with a giant barb with buffs and an adamantite battlespear super-enchanted. Then get hit with a magma spray.
Both naked. Tell me which one hurts way more over a far shorter period of time and why one can do it for an hour before having to rest, whereas the other has to sleep after 5 minutes.
18 I like the idea of making combat last longer, but is the solution to drastically increase hp pools? How would this affect PVE? That would require some extensive testing on the test server for sure.
Of course it would. PVE hps would get boosted as well. It'll drag out pkill, if it is done proportionately. In SK we have too many 'I win' items.
You either do it two ways: wimp damage or buff hps, at the very basic core.
I vote buff the hps.
19)It would be nice to see noobs able to walk a bit further seeing as not everyone has the luxury of refresh necklaces from Exile.
Another change to this would be to super-front load all moves, so by 30 you have 100% of your moves.
20) Yes, remove shovels. Not sure who suggested this crap in the past or why it was implemented but its an element of the game that frankly doesn't add any tactics or fun but rather is just frustrating and annoying.
Yep, let's see Dulrik be a man and recant on this one, small simple change.