For those that missed the event, here's who I ended up going with:
A halfling sized creature stands at attention here - though it is nearly
impossible to determine its true race from when it was alive. Reddish
feathers are plastered all over its body, and a grotesque beak seems to be attached to its visage. The tattoo of a brown bottle labeled 'Southlands
Rum' is on his forearm - but that pales in comparison to the nervous twich
that seems to pervade his movements every few moments.
Overall, Eliro, the wight knight is in excellent condition.
Before you stands a creature composed of pale, rotting flesh and saggy
skin. The point to the ragged ears signifies that the creature was at least
partially elven - when it lived. The creature's hair, while patchy, is
shoulder-length and each small, individual portion is set in delicate
corkscrew ringlets. The creature's eyes, which are portrayed in a
backdrop of high set cheekbones and prodigiously proportioned features, are a bleary, murky gray - a dismal hue that belies all the horrors it has seen from life and beyond. The small compact figure, which compiles its form is poorly-formed and similar to its visage, riddled with disease and sores.
Overall, Uyzella, the wight knight is in excellent condition.
This once-beautiful creature possesses stringy golden hair, and eyes that
still, even now seem to harbor a mischievous glint in its deep pools of
blackness for eyes. A golden serpent tattoo twists its way up the
creature's decrepit right leg and draws your eye to the tip of its
hole-ridden black wings. The creature's mutilated, peeling skin seems to
have an crusted tint of blackness, as if the chaos of its past life has
seeped into its very essence. On its right hand between the thumb and
forefinger is a tattoo of a fiery red flower pierced by an obsidian dagger.
Overall, Mordanzibel, the wight knight is in excellent condition.
I love it. I always wondered what happened to my halfling when I left to join the army.
Oh.. and neither Eliro nor Reznik were actually FROM Teron. They started in Ayamao, Reznik just sort of left and Eliro managed to get himself banished.. several times in fact.