Well if that scout dont want them to know where they are, they should never greet them.
Im sure wanted lists are good enough to know if these certain players are under this certain spell.
Sending harrassing tells from the river, annoying the crap out of the person that killed you (And they can't do anything about it because the dead guy has true sight and nothing better to do.)
quiet mode?
Besides, priests aren't invis unless they're busy anyway. The only real problem is if they're in a no-light room. If anything, give dead people infravision and leave it at that (And as far as I know, dead people might even -get- infravision)
Lots of priests in tribunals are invis all the time from guards, there are staffs of invis, and also vials and stuff for invis. Fae-rins and I think 1 more pet make people invis and priests use them alot. Halfling priests hide. Theres just lots of things that keep dead people from detecting priests.
The +'s out weigh the -'s